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June 6, 2024 in Health

Atomic Habits

Atomic habits A summary

This is the 2nd book of my easy summary of the 5 most effective self-help books blog series. I have also summarized the book called “Breaking the habit of being yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza”, which you can find in my blogs.

In the bustling world of self-improvement books, Atomic Habits by James Clear is like a shining star. What makes it truly unique? Well, it’s all about simplicity and practicality. Instead of bombarding you with complicated theories, Clear breaks down the science of habits into easy-to-understand steps. He shows how even the tiniest changes, what he calls “atomic habits,” can lead to big transformations over time. 

Remember that every small step we take today has the power to shape our tomorrows. With Atomic Habits as our guide, we have the tools and knowledge to create a future filled with success, fulfillment, and happiness—one tiny habit at a time.

I have laid everything the book teaches in a simple table for you. Enjoy!

Key Takeaway


How to Do It


Start Small, Win Big

– Focus on small actions that compound over time.

– Embrace consistency in habit formation.

Start with a tiny habit that takes less than 2 minutes. Commit to it daily.

Floss after brushing. Drink a glass of water upon waking up. Do one push-up before bed.

Understand the Habit Loop

– Recognize cues, cravings, responses, and rewards.

– Learn to manipulate the habit loop to your advantage.

Identify cues triggering habits. Experiment with different responses and rewards to modify habits.

Cue: Feeling stressed. Response: Eating a snack. Reward: Temporary relief. Experiment with taking a walk (response) instead for a mood boost (reward).

Stack Habits for Success

– Link new habits to existing ones through habit stacking.

– Build momentum with a chain reaction of positive behaviors.

Identify existing routines. Attach new habits to them to create a seamless flow of actions.

After breakfast (existing habit), meditate for 5 minutes (new habit).

After showering (existing habit), stretch for 10 minutes (new habit).

Optimize Your Environment

– Design surroundings to support desired habits.

– Minimize friction and temptation in your environment.

Rearrange your environment to make desired behaviors more visible and accessible. Remove distractions.

Place workout clothes by the bed to encourage morning exercise.

Keep healthy snacks at eye level in the pantry.

Set up a designated workspace for focused work.

O.A.E.S.: Make Habits Obvious, Attractive, Easy, Satisfying

– Make habits obvious by placing cues in plain sight.

– Link habits to pleasurable experiences or rewards.

– Break habits into manageable steps.

– Celebrate small wins to reinforce habits.

Create visual cues, use temptation bundling, simplify habits, and celebrate progress to make habits stick.

Lay out gym clothes the night before. Pair listening to audiobooks with exercise.

Break down “cleaning” into specific tasks like wiping counters.

Celebrate completing a week of consistent workouts.

Track and Reflect

– Monitor progress and stay accountable by tracking habits.

– Reflect on habits regularly to refine your approach.

Use habit trackers or journals to monitor consistency. Schedule regular reflection sessions to evaluate habit progress.

Use a habit tracker app to record daily meditation sessions.

Set aside time each Sunday for a weekly habit review.

Keep a journal to reflect on how each habit makes you feel.

Accountability and Reinforcement

– Share goals and progress for support and accountability.

– Surround yourself with a supportive community.

– Reinforce habits through consistent practice.

Join a community, find an accountability partner, and commit to consistent practice to reinforce desired habits.

Join a fitness class with a friend.

Share daily progress on social media.

Commit to a weekly check-in with a mentor.

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